REAP Group Member Application - Wedgwood Baptist Church, Fort Worth, TX

Personal Information
City State Zip Code
Phone Cell Phone
E-Mail Address
Birth Date Passport Expiration Date
Emergency Contact Phone
Spiritual History
Church Membership
Church Address (if other than WBC)

Pastor Name and E-mail
(if other than WBC)

Years of church membership ? How long (years) have you been a Christian?

Please describe your personal call and motivation to this mission trip.
Church Activity
Area of Activity Leader's Name How Long?
Sunday School
Children Ministries
Women's/Men's Ministry
Church Leadership (Staff, Deacon, Committee)
Other (Specify in box with leader's name.)
Fitness Information

Medical Issues:
(Please check all that apply.)

Other Issues:
(Please check all that apply.)
Other Information
Spanish Level
Will you be able to undergo training every Sunday afternoon for 10 weeks prior to the trip?
What kind of ministry would you prefer to do on the team? (Choose as many as you like.)
Child/Youth (Under 18)
Will you be traveling alone?
Do you get homesick easily?
Are you undergoing discipleship right now? If so, under what ministry?
I have read and prayed about the above questions and have answered them to the best of my understanding and convictions.
I have reviewed the foregoing information and agree to its correctness. My child has permission to apply for the REAP mission trip to Peru.